Services and Pricing

Chipped Tooth Audio offers tracking, mixing, and production for musicians interested in modern and organic records. If you like the work in my portfolio and feel that sound is appropriate for your project, I would love to work together. I understand every project has different needs, and I am happy to create a custom quote for you. Please keep in mind that the time it takes to complete a project is VERY dependent on how prepared you are, how we approach recording, and what you expect from the final product. Contacting me is free. I’d love to hear about your project and how I can help.


  • Day Rate $350 (8-10 hours)
  • Hourly Rate $50 (less than 8 hours)

Deposit and Payment

A non-refundable deposit of 25% is required to schedule recording and mixing. Dates can be moved in case of emergency/illness, and sessions canceled/moved for any other reason at the client’s request will be subject to loss of deposit. Payment is expected at the time of service.


  • Please include a link to your music in your inquiry so I can make sure we are a good fit. Phone videos, YouTube, Spotify etc. are all fine.
  • Archiving the session is the client’s responsibility. I can not guarantee files will be available longer than 12 months after the project is completed.
  • Session files can be transferred to your hard drive or sent via WeTransfer, Dropbox, etc after full payment is received for your project.
  • Three rounds of revisions are included with any mix. Additional revisions will be charged at $25 per round.


While I can master records I mix, I’d rather not. An experienced mastering engineer will bring a second set of ears and fresh perspective to the mix and act as an important quality control step while finishing the record. Their job is to make sure your mixes translate across a variety of listening environments and media (streaming, vinyl, cassette, etc.) Many mastering engineers are very affordable, but I understand that not every project has room in the budget. In those cases, I am happy to do it.

Send Me A Message

Please link me to your demos or other music so I can get a feel for what you do!
Chipped Tooth Audio